Lorem Ipsum

C-Suite Offerings

Lifestyle Leader Program

If you’re a leader that does not feel successful unless your life is flourishing while your company is succeeding, the Lifestyle Leader Program is for you. This 1-1 program uniquely blends transformative inner growth and empowerment, next level leadership skills, and an emphasis on living a healthy, rich, diverse, ever-expanding life.

This trifecta maximizes your ability to sustainably draw forth the most from yourself and your team while fostering a personal lifestyle and company culture of well-being and life satisfaction.

Lifestyle Leader Program

C-Suite Offerings

Leadership Excellence Program

The C-Suite Excellence Program is a lightweight 1-1 program designed to get your c-suite’s performance (your company’s most important asset) sustainably at its best with minimal time commitment.

This program consists of weekly 1-1 coaching sessions focused on solving your real-time leadership challenges, moving through your limiting beliefs and behaviors that impose leadership upper limits, and training on leadership skills to expand your leadership toolbox.

Leadership Excellence Program

Culture Offerings

30-Day Personal Well-Being Games

The foundational elements of a robust, high performance company culture are meaningful team connection and work-life balance. Difficult to achieve under any workplace circumstances, in the post COVID remote workplace, it’s even more challenging. This has led to an erosion of workplace culture with companies scrambling to find solutions.

The 30-Day Personal Well-Being Game solves this problem by providing a done-for-you vehicle to generate best-in-class virtual workplace culture consisting of authentic team connection, work-life balance through taking on one’s personal well-being, and as an added bonus, associated personal growth trainings leading to next-level work and personal life performance.

30-Day Personal Well-Being Games

Culture Offerings

Company Why Package

A best-in-class company mission statement skillfully weaves together aspects of a company’s target market, how it plans to serve its core customers, what makes it unique, its core principles, and why it exists. All of this said in a way that aligns with the company’s overall strategy and culture, guides its decisions and actions, inspires its employees, and sparks interest from right-fit potential customers. Oh – and did we mention all of this is supposed to be captured in a concise, 1-line statement?

If that feels like a tall order for your company misison statement – it is!

Transformance has created an innovative approach to solve this problem – the Company Why Package. Your Company Why is slightly different than your company mission in it leverages Simon Sinek’s Find Your Why Process placing equal value on what you do and WHY you do it. The package includes three versions of your Company Why… the 1-Liner, Word Cloud and Video Reel.

The result, a suite of best-in-class strategic, marketing and cultural Company Why assets that tick all the mission statement boxes, speaks to all levels of your company, and attracts your ideal customer.

Company Why Package

Culture Offerings

90-Day Personal Life Games

One of our mottos at Transformance is “learn to live a great life by coming to work”. Through our 90-Day Personal Life Games we support your team in crafting clear, inspiring quarterly “games” to get clear on and drive towards things they deeply desire in their personal lives.

Through this program we train your team the same goal setting and execution technologies that are used to drive company and team results including Vision Statements, OKRs, KPIs, Projects, and Weekly Plans. We also provide a series of performance enhancing life skill trainings that help your staff succeed in their game and ultimately have more of what they want in their life. All of this learning is directly translatable to drive next-level performance in their role in your company. What’s more, they are forever grateful to your company for supporting them in learning the skills to live the life they truly desire.

90-Day Personal Life Games

Culture Offerings

Culture By Design Program

At Transformance we call company culture the “environment your team performs in”. Through our Culture By Design Program we work at the c-suite level to consciously craft the key elements that shape your high-performance culture including your Company Why, Core Values, Cultural Vows and more.

We also work at the all-staff level training them on topics that support them in being more effective contributors to a high-performance, vibrant, harmonious culture. Topics include Empowered and Empowering Communication, Being 100% Responsible, Being Solution Focused, Drama Free Diet, Distinguishing Story from Fact, Supporting Each Other’s Greatness, Next Level Productivity, and more.

Culture By Design Program

Culture Offerings

Team Building Offsites

One of our passions at Transformance is facilitating fun, engaging, transformative leadership and all-staff offsites designed to foster next-level culture foundation building and team cohesion – all in the name of transformed levels of performance. These 2 to 3-day transformational Team Building Offsites provide a fully done-for-you experience.

Custom designed, we work with you to craft a top-notch retreat for your team weaving together areas of our expertise including Culture By Design element creation (Company Why Statement, Core Values, Cultural Vows), high-performance culture training modules (Empowered and Empowering Communication, Being 100% Responsible, Supporting Each Other’s Greatness, etc.), resolution of any existing team friction, and more. We can also handle booking the perfect site, accommodations, energizing and nourishing meal prep, crafting movement sessions and outdoor activities, thematic parties and more… all within a budget that works for you.

Team Building Offsites

Operations Offerings

Annual & Quarterly Planning Offsites

The first step in empowering your high-performance team to be focused, high-leverage, efficient contributors to your company’s growth is crafting a strategically sound annual growth plan that’s broken into actionable quarterly plans. Companies often neglect this critical element to their success or do a poor job at crafting it due to perceived time constraints and/or lack of expertise.

Through our Annual & Quarterly Planning Offsites, we integrate 15 years of experience guiding business owners to craft sound, winnable, motivating plans at the annual and quarterly levels. Our unique approach blends the best aspects of OKRs and Agile/Scrum business management methodologies (addressing both strategic direction and tactical execution), overlaid with our inspiring 90-Day Business Game gamification container to have your team performing sustainably at their best.

Annual & Quarterly Planning Offsites

Operations Offerings

90-Day Business Game Process

Annual and quarterly plans are only as useful as they are successfully executed. They too often fail in execution due to factors including the plan not being actionable with clearly articulated and chunked down projects, deliverables and owners; project scope is too large; roadblocks not being addressed; no completion accountability; the work being done is not adding value to the business… to name a few.

Our 90-Day Business Game process addresses all of these factors. Honed and refined over the last decade with dozens of businesses in different market sectors, and customizable to your specific business needs – it integrates all facets that contribute to successful quarterly plan execution… leaving you with a repeatable process to grow your business within.

90-Day Business Game Process

Operations Offerings

Asana System Design & Training

A key factor in successfully and efficiently executing a quarterly plan is a collaborative project management tool – THAT FITS the particular way you operate your business. In our experience, most project management tools are essentially glorified to-do lists with lots of horsepower that are not used in a well-designed and consitent way across the different areas of your business.

We have a decade of experience custom designing Asana to leverage OKR and Agile/Scrum methodologies – and done so in a way that’s a match to your company’s specific management and departmental structure and culture. In additon, we train your how to use the system, make real-time refinements to more closely meet your needs, and support the development of habitual usage to ensure consistent use throughout your business.

Asana System Design & Training

Team Offerings

Management Team Excellence Program

Your management team is your conduit between c-suite vision and staff-level execution. In many cases managers come up through the ranks and don’t have actual management training or experience. This puts the performance of your functional teams, and therefore your company’s bottom line, in jeopardy.

In the Management Team Excellence Program we use group sessions to train your management team on critical management skills that drive top-notch functional team performance. Topics include communication, delegation, feedback, accountability, problem solving, time management, operational efficiency, OKR and KPI creation and tracking, project management, Asana usage, and more. We also work at the individual level to identify and transform areas of personal growth that will unleash next level managerial excellence.

Management Team Excellence Program

Team Offerings

Team Performance Maximizer Program

The Team Performance Maximizer Program is designed to support performance-critical teams in your organization in sustainably performing at their best. We know that top-notch team performance is paramount to high-quality and timely vision execution, yet we often do little to address the performance levels of our teams.

Done through a combination of group and 1-1 sessions, we work to identify and transform issues at the team and individual levels that are negatively impacting team performance. In addition we do group training exercises focused on all facets of A-level team performance including collaboration, communication, giving/receiving feedback, transforming triggers, creative problem solving, brainstorming and more.

Team Performance  Maximizer Program

Transformance Business Consulting

Lorem Ipsum

C-Suite Offerings

Lifestyle Leader Program

If you’re a leader that does not feel successful unless your life is flourishing while your company is succeeding, the Lifestyle Leader Program is for you. This 1-1 program uniquely blends transformative inner growth and empowerment, next level leadership skills, and an emphasis on living a healthy, rich, diverse, ever-expanding life.

This trifecta maximizes your ability to sustainably draw forth the most from yourself and your team while fostering a personal lifestyle and company culture of well-being and life satisfaction.

Lifestyle Leader Program

C-Suite Offerings

Leadership Excellence Program

The C-Suite Excellence Program is a lightweight 1-1 program designed to get your c-suite’s performance (your company’s most important asset) sustainably at its best with minimal time commitment.

This program consists of weekly 1-1 coaching sessions focused on solving your real-time leadership challenges, moving through your limiting beliefs and behaviors that impose leadership upper limits, and training on leadership skills to expand your leadership toolbox.

Leadership Excellence Program

Culture Offerings

30-Day Personal Well-Being Games

The foundational elements of a robust, high performance company culture are meaningful team connection and work-life balance. Difficult to achieve under any workplace circumstances, in the post COVID remote workplace, it’s even more challenging. This has led to an erosion of workplace culture with companies scrambling to find solutions.

The 30-Day Personal Well-Being Game solves this problem by providing a done-for-you vehicle to generate best-in-class virtual workplace culture consisting of authentic team connection, work-life balance through taking on one’s personal well-being, and as an added bonus, associated personal growth trainings leading to next-level work and personal life performance.

30-Day Personal Well-Being Games

Culture Offerings

Company Why Package

A best-in-class company mission statement skillfully weaves together aspects of a company’s target market, how it plans to serve its core customers, what makes it unique, its core principles, and why it exists. All of this said in a way that aligns with the company’s overall strategy and culture, guides its decisions and actions, inspires its employees, and sparks interest from right-fit potential customers. Oh – and did we mention all of this is supposed to be captured in a concise, 1-line statement?

If that feels like a tall order for your company misison statement – it is!

Transformance has created an innovative approach to solve this problem – the Company Why Package. Your Company Why is slightly different than your company mission in it leverages Simon Sinek’s Find Your Why Process placing equal value on what you do and WHY you do it. The package includes three versions of your Company Why… the 1-Liner, Word Cloud and Video Reel.

The result, a suite of best-in-class strategic, marketing and cultural Company Why assets that tick all the mission statement boxes, speaks to all levels of your company, and attracts your ideal customer.

Company Why Package

Culture Offerings

90-Day Personal Life Games

One of our mottos at Transformance is “learn to live a great life by coming to work”. Through our 90-Day Personal Life Games we support your team in crafting clear, inspiring quarterly “games” to get clear on and drive towards things they deeply desire in their personal lives.

Through this program we train your team the same goal setting and execution technologies that are used to drive company and team results including Vision Statements, OKRs, KPIs, Projects, and Weekly Plans. We also provide a series of performance enhancing life skill trainings that help your staff succeed in their game and ultimately have more of what they want in their life. All of this learning is directly translatable to drive next-level performance in their role in your company. What’s more, they are forever grateful to your company for supporting them in learning the skills to live the life they truly desire.

90-Day Personal Life Games

Culture Offerings

Culture By Design Program

At Transformance we call company culture the “environment your team performs in”. Through our Culture By Design Program we work at the c-suite level to consciously craft the key elements that shape your high-performance culture including your Company Why, Core Values, Cultural Vows and more.

We also work at the all-staff level training them on topics that support them in being more effective contributors to a high-performance, vibrant, harmonious culture. Topics include Empowered and Empowering Communication, Being 100% Responsible, Being Solution Focused, Drama Free Diet, Distinguishing Story from Fact, Supporting Each Other’s Greatness, Next Level Productivity, and more.

Culture By Design Program

Culture Offerings

Team Building Offsites

One of our passions at Transformance is facilitating fun, engaging, transformative leadership and all-staff offsites designed to foster next-level culture foundation building and team cohesion – all in the name of transformed levels of performance. These 2 to 3-day transformational Team Building Offsites provide a fully done-for-you experience.

Custom designed, we work with you to craft a top-notch retreat for your team weaving together areas of our expertise including Culture By Design element creation (Company Why Statement, Core Values, Cultural Vows), high-performance culture training modules (Empowered and Empowering Communication, Being 100% Responsible, Supporting Each Other’s Greatness, etc.), resolution of any existing team friction, and more. We can also handle booking the perfect site, accommodations, energizing and nourishing meal prep, crafting movement sessions and outdoor activities, thematic parties and more… all within a budget that works for you.

Team Building Offsites
Slide 1


Next-Level Your Bottom Line from the Inside Out

Slide 3

One Big Thing
Breakthrough Program

5-Session Personalized Coaching Program to Turn Desire into Reality

Slide 2

Lifestyle Leader Executive Program

Become a Great Leader While Living a Great Life

Slide 3

30-Day Personal
Well-Being Game

Next-Level Performance Through Next-Level Well-Being

Slide 4

Company Why

Bring Your Company Mission To Life

Slide 5

Operations Suite

Fulfill Your Vision With Clarity, Certainty, Velocity and Ease

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next arrow

What we Offer

We’ve got you covered on all fronts…

At Transformance our goal is to provide you with an integrated suite of services that support all aspects of next-level human performance. We’ve got you covered on all fronts from leadership, team, culture and operations. Check out our featured offerings in each of these areas to support you in next-leveling your bottom line from the inside out.

Lifestyle Leader Executive Program

If you’re not consistently at your best, everything downstream suffers. Blend next-level leadership development and a focus on living a great life to regularly be at your best.

Find Out More

30-Day Personal
Well-Being Game

People perform at their best when their well-being is optimized. Support sustained next-level performance by making personal well-being a core element of your culture.

Find Out More

Company Why

Ongoing strategic and team alignment around your company mission is key to your success. Bring your company mission to life with the Company Why Package.

Find Out More


High-performing individuals can only be effective alongside a sound strategic plan and execution process. Empower your team to be top-notch contributors to your vision through our Operational Suite.

Find Out More

The Bottom Line

The level at which your people perform IS your bottom line

From leadership to individual contributors, human performance is one of the most essential elements of your company’s success.

Due to a myriad of common human performance barriers, your team is leaving 30-50% of their performance potential on the table – impeding your company’s ability to consistently perform and compete in today’s marketplace.

People Performance Impacts Everything

Think about it…

There are many functional factors that impact your company’s ability to perform including:

  • Compelling company vision
  • Solid market strategy
  • Clear KPIs
  • Scalable systems and processes
  • Clear goal articulation and ownership
  • Regular weekly, quarterly, yearly rhythm

But even with all of these key elements in place, company success still comes down to the day-to-day performance of each person – be that at the c-suite, manager, or functional team level.

When individuals are not performing at their best, the financial bottom line of your company suffers – a lot!

The problem

Dirty Dozen Areas of Low Human Performance

These innate human performance barriers stem from limiting early-age programming about ourselves through parents and social circles, partially effective strategies that we developed to succeed in school and early career jobs – and simply a lack of education and training on how to lead an empowered and effective life.

The result is that we navigate life with much less access to our performance potential than is possible – and we bring this lower performance version of ourselves into all areas of our adult life, including where we work. The negative impacts of the Dirty Dozen areas of low human performance on your company are:

The Dirty Dozen areas of low human performance are:


Lack of Self-Awareness

Unaware of and run by one's own thoughts and emotions


Poor Emotional Regulation

Inability to control one's reactions in the face of strong emotions


Limited Empathy

Unable to understand other's feelings and perspectives


Low Resilience

Easily discouraged and gives up after setbacks


Poor Communication Skills

Difficulty in clearly conveying ideas, thoughts and feelings


Fixed Mindset

Fixed in one's views and resistant to change or new ideas



Difficulty in starting and completing tasks in a timely manner and poor time management


Lack of Conflict Resolution Skills

Inability to resolve conflict and often resorts to gossip, blame and avoidance


Lack of Accountability

Makes excuses, blames others and external factors for mistakes and failures


Low Self-Esteem

Lack of confidence in one's own ability and fear of expressing ideas or opinions



Focuses on failures and what's not working and has a pessimistic outlook


Ignoring Feedback / Defensiveness

Difficulty in receiving constructive feedback and generally not coachable

In today's competitive marketplace, great companies need high performing individuals at all levels.
The negative impact of low human performance is staggering...

In today's competitive marketplace, great companies need high performing individuals at all levels. The negative impact of low human performance is staggering...


of employees are either unengaged or actively disengaged (Gallup)


of employees admit to wasting time at work each day (Zippia)


of employees left their jobs to get away from a bad manager (SHRM)


of variation in employee engagement is attributed to managers (Gallup)


is lost each year in the US to stress-related productivity losses (WHO)

Dirty Dozen Negative Impact on Your Company

The Dirty Dozen areas of low human performance have a negative impact on all areas of your company’s ability to perform, from quality of leadership to customer support – and everything in between. When they are in play, your company performance can be throttled back by up to 50%.

One of the most quantifiable impacts is on the efficient use of your annual salary spend. With an early stage start up of roughly 15 employees and a $2M annual salary spend, a team performing at 50% of its potential equates to throwing away $1M a year in lost performance!

Other negative impacts of the Dirty Dozen areas of low human performance on your company are:

  • Poor Leadership
  • Disengaged Unmotivated Staff
  • Ineffective Collaboration
  • Lack of Creativity
  • Mediocre Product Quality
  • Missed Deadlines
  • Insufficient Sales
  • Lack of Work-Life Balance
  • Burnout
  • Toxic Workplace Culture
  • Difficulty Attracting Top Talent
  • Inability To Scale

Do you, your team or your company feel stuck? Are you ready to transform and perform at completely new levels? Contact Raj and Transformance today!


The problem

Working from the
inside out

Raj Sundra’s two decades as a successful entrepreneur, transformational coach and business consultant have shaped Transformance’s unique inside out approach.

This approach predictably creates next-level performance by uncovering “inner” unconscious, habitual performance limitations and transforming them into “outer” performance advantages.

This is the essence of Transformance…


The Outcomes

Boost performance by 30-50%

Working from the inside out at the individual level unleashes more potential from each team member. This in turn shifts areas of low human performance in your company to areas of great human performance.

The result: your team is empowered to fuel extraordinary company results while also creating a harmonious, high-performance culture that fosters personal growth, well-being and fulfillment.

Andrea Nakayama

Raj is one of the most solid and compassionate leaders I've ever met. He has a true talent for supporting people in producing results beyond what they themselves think capable of.

  • Andrea Nakayama
  • Replenish PDX
  • CEO & Founder
David Mizne

Raj is a gifted coach who provided actionable advice that allowed me to access the changes I desired for myself both professionally and personally.

  • David Mizne
  • 15Five
  • Marketing Manager
Jacqueline Colette

Thank you for being an advocate for leading from our 'why', for being committed to making space for all voices in culture conversations, being a model for teamwork and having the courage to walk the walk when it's easier not to.

  • Jacqueline Colette
  • Head of Member Services
  • New Law Business Model
Mike Bobrowski

Thank you for the support, leadership, and wisdom you brought to NLBM. It's helped me and will continuing helping me grow one step at a time into becoming the best version of myself.

  • Mike Bobrowski
  • New Law Business Model
  • Senior Marketing Manager
Quinn McDermott

Working with Raj and Transformance has helped me understand how to better communicate with my loved ones. That's gold to me.

  • Quinn McDermott
  • Activation Products
  • Marketing
Lisa Ritacco

I have really loved all of the Friday culture questions you drop in slack. It has truly made me feel more connected to our team despite us all being remote. I appreciate you!

  • Lisa Ritacco
  • Success Coach
  • New Law Business Model
Andrew Szeto

I've grown faster in my personal and work life through working with Transformance than anything else I've done before.

  • Andrew Szeto
  • The Foundation
  • Marketing
Allison Osborn

Transformance is a powerful change agent at both the company and individual level. Put simply, this work is a game changer.

  • Allison Osborn
  • New Law Business Model
  • Director of Member Services
Dane Maxwell

No amount of money could pay for what we got from working with Raj and Transformance. What he did for me, our employees and The Foundation is priceless.

  • Dane Maxwell
  • The Foundation
  • Founder
Melanie Pittman

Thank you for all that you've done to support in upleveling the human experience at New Law Business Model!

  • Melanie Pittman
  • New Law Business Model
  • Database Strategist & Training
Stuart Embree

Raj excels as a communicator, mentor, and coach. He instills healthy corporate habits in organizations and seamlessly relates them to personal life.

  • Stuart Embree
  • Activation Products
  • Head of Production
Amanda Dobson

Transformance supported us in improving our culture and making our company an even more enjoyable place to work.

  • Amanda Dobson
  • Activation Products
  • Human Resources
Zac Adler

Transformance elevated our company's power and accountability, boosting productivity by 50%. We've grown faster and more profitably than ever.

  • Zac Adler
  • Bodywork Sites
  • CEO

Dynamic Dozen Areas of Great Human Performance

Through the Transformance offerings, your team transforms the disempowering, low-performance aspects of themselves. They are also trained on simple and effective tools to generate more value in each facet of their role.

This results in a shift from the Dirty Dozen areas of low human performance to these Dynamic Dozen areas of great human performance:


Strong Self-Awareness

Aware of and able to watch one's thoughts and emotions


Solid Emotional Regulation

Ability to choose how to react indepedent of one's emotions


High Empathy

Understands and respects others' feelings or perspectives


Strong Resilience

Recovers quickly and persists after setbacks


Effective Communication Skills

Clearly conveys thoughts, feelings, and ideas


Growth Mindset

Flexible in one's views and open to new ideas and change



Timely execution of tasks and effective time management


Conflict Resolution Skills

Ability to resolve conflict through connection, strong listening skills and dialog



Takes ownership and looks for opportunities to learn with mistakes and failures


High Self-Esteem

Confident in one's own ability and the expressing or ideas or opinions



Focuses on wins and what is working and has an optimistic outlook


Accepts Feedback

Open to and utilizes constructive feedback and very coachable

The best investment a company can make is in the personal growth of its people.

  • Richard Branson
  • Founder of Virgin Group

Organizations grow when people grow – and if your people aren’t growing, your company won’t be either.

  • Mark Miller
  • Author and Corporate Leader at Chick-fil-A

Your organization can only become the-best-version-of-itself to the extent that the people who drive that organization are striving to become better-versions-of-themselves.

  • Matthew Kelly
  • Author of "The Dream Manager"

The growth and development of people is the chief end of leadership.

  • John Maxwell
  • Leadership Expert and Author

Dynamic Dozen Positive Impact on Your Company

The Dynamic Dozen of great human performance has a strong positive impact on all areas of your company – from developing stellar leadership, to next-level problem solving and creativity, to an energizing and harmonious workplace culture.

With each person in your company accessing more of their potential and consistently performing at the next level, you can feel confident about your salary spend because it’s now an efficient use of your capital to fuel company growth.

Other positive impacts of the Dynamic Dozen areas of great human performance on your company are:

  • Stellar Leadership
  • Engaged and Effective Staff
  • Energizing Collaboration
  • Boundless Creativity
  • Meeting Stretch KPIs
  • Best-In-Class Product Quality
  • Consistent On-Time-Delivery
  • Ever-Increasing Sales
  • Excellent Work-Life Balance
  • Energizing Workplace Culture
  • Top Talent Knocking At Your Door
  • Unbridled Revenue Growth


Transform and perform at these different levels

The Transformance offerings are designed to shift the negative impact and competitive disadvantage of low human performance into the positive impact and competitive advantage that naturally stems from great human performance.

Designed and refined by working on-the-court at the 1-1, team, and all-staff levels over the last 20 years, each offering is crafted to be easy to digest and implement with a focus on having the greatest real-world impact with the least amount of time and energy expenditure. We know you’ve got a lot to accomplish and your time is precious!

At the core of all of our programs is greater self-awareness – the ability to understand and observe oneself and choose conscious, empowered action rather than be run by unconscious, disempowered reaction. This is coupled with a suite of simple yet powerful Transformance Tools that allow your staff to expand what they are capable of individually and collectively.


In order for your company to continually grow, your C-Suite needs to grow with it. Our set of 1-1 C-Suite offerings are designed to facilitate this growth and ensure that your company’s excellence starts from the top.

Our Lifestyle Leader and Leadership Excellence Programs combine coaching, leadership skills training, and deep transformative work – all in a 1-1 format.  Through this we support your C-Suite in regularly and sustainably unleashing the next-level of performance necessary to orchestrate the ongoing growth of your company.




The managerial and functional teams of your company are the C-Suite’s keys to vision implementation. Without well-functioning, A-class managerial and functional team performance, proper and timely execution of the C-Suite’s vision falls flat.

Our Management Team Excellence and Team Performance Maximizer Programs draw forth world class performance from the lifeblood of your company. Through a combination of managerial / team-performance coaching and skills training, we empower the execution level of your company to sustainably perform at their best.


We call your company culture the “environment that your team performs in”. With a great culture, execution of the company’s vision happens with innovation, quality, ease, flow and excitement.Through our 30-Day Personal Well-Being Games, 90-Day Personal Life Games, Company Why Package, Culture By Design Program, and Team Building Offsites, we support you in creating a workplace environment that supports sustainable, next-level performance. Our programs also support you in crafting a best-in-class culture that retains and attracts top industry talent.




While high-performing individuals and teams are critical to company performance, they can only be effective contributors to your company’s growth if there’s a strategically sound annual growth plan, a repeatable quarterly plan and execution process, and a well-designed collaborative project management system in place to guide their work efforts.

Through our Annual & Quarterly Planning Offsites, Quarterly Execution Process, and Asana System Design & Training Program we have both sides of the company growth equation covered – truly empowering you to fulfill your company vision with greater clarity, certainty, velocity and ease.

Work with Us

Schedule a free 30 minute session!

Curious to learn more about how we can support your company in achieving next-level performance through our C-Suite, Team, and Culture offerings? Schedule a free 30-minute session with Raj by clicking below. Bring a challenge you’re currently facing and get some real-time coaching!


What our raving fans have to say

Hear what our clients have to say about the impact Transformance has had on their trajectory.

Raj's coaching seamlessly melds heart-based insights and mind-based sophisticated systems. He's anticipated every move, removing the need to organize, allowing you to concentrate on the work. Yet, what sets him apart is his genuine care. He's not just ticking boxes - he's genuinely here for you. His commitment to me and our team was unparalleled, making efforts personal and forging strong relationships. Such dedication can't be written into a contract, and that's what makes Raj truly remarkable.
Jacqueline Colette

Jacqueline Colette

New Law Business Model

Head of Member Services

When we look for consultants we always consider if we can 10x the consulting fee. As we near the end of our first cycle with Raj and the 90-Day Game, I cannot be happier with the results. Our team has a new found sense of purpose and loves participating in the Game, weekly meetings and the coaching Raj sprinkles in. This has allowed us to move beyond constant damage control towards true business progression. I definitely recommend Raj and plan on being a client for years to come.
Orion Melehan

Orion Melehan


CEO & Founder

I've worked with several coaches over the years and Raj's coaching has been among the most potent and applicable. Recently he helped me cut through a mindset obstacle that had been standing in the way of my creative and professional expression for what's felt like an eternity of frustrated stagnation - leaving me empowered and finally in action. If you're an executive or entrepreneur looking for a quantum leap in your professional and personal life, I can't recommend him highly enough!
Tobin Poppenberg

Tobin Poppenberg

Automate & Liberate


For TEN years I was stuck at $1.5M in revenue and managing all the details of my business, leaving me no time to pursue the additional things I wanted to do in my life. Two years ago we brought in Raj and this year we hit the Inc. 5000, increased revenue to $3M, and even hired a COO freeing me up to do more of what i want. With over 100 candidates interviewed, each one said we have the best culture they've ever seen. I attribute this almost entirely to Raj and Transformance.
Ali Katz

Ali Katz

New Law Business Model

CEO & Founder

Working with Raj and Transformance allowed our team to get crystal clear about our priorities for the next phase of our growth. Raj helped us accelerate our progress as a company immediately after closing a $2.2m round of funding, ensuring that we were able to put this new capital to use in the most effective way possible. I highly recommend working with Raj and Transformance to support you reaching critical business goals while creating a top-notch, high performance culture.
David Hassell

David Hassell


CEO & Founder

Raj's approach to coaching is refreshingly unique. In my experience with Fortune 500 companies and fast-growing startups, performance strategies often target groups or entire enterprises. But Raj emphasizes personal understanding - illuminating the importance of self-awareness and presence in our team interactions. His guidance reminds me of the airplane adage: secure your own mask before helping others. Raj expertly equipped each of us with our own 'masks', ensuring we could support each other in the most impactful way.
Michael Mancuso

Michael Mancuso

New Law Business Model


Through Raj's coaching, our team experienced a profound shift in the level of engagement and the way we dealt with issues. Beyond the positive change towards improved efficiencies and customer experience, the way the team is working inter-personally is having a ripple effect across the organization in breaking down silo behaviors and dysfunction.
Mark Rumer

Mark Rumer

Occam Networks

CTO & Founder

Thank you for your deep commitment to courageous communication, honoring and celebrating the best in others, and being a stand for what is means and looks like to create an intentional life by design. There are deep deep deep roots of that here at NLBM because of you that impact not only us here on this team, but the lawyers we are here to serve. We are better people and a better company because of you. Thank you for sharing yourself and your gifts with us.
Allison Osborn

Allison Osborn

New Law Business Model

Director of Member Services

Raj is one of the most insightful and effective individual and team transformational performance consultants I’ve worked with. He has a unique combination of heart-based authentic relating and mind-centric ability to create systems to scale his impact across an organization.
Peter Garrett

Peter Garrett


CEO & Founder

Engaging with Raj has been a turning point in my journey of self-growth. Through our genuine conversations and introspective exercises, he has illuminated paths to greater self-awareness and confidence. Each session unveiled deeper layers of my potential, challenging me to think and act beyond my boundaries. With Raj, I've not just grown, I've transformed, rediscovering myself in ways I never imagined possible.
Evan Amoroso

Evan Amoroso

New Law Business Model

Head of IT


Building partnerships, delivering results with...